Anderson 1/31/2013 11:47:49 PM
News / Religion

Church is Important to Family Life

Families often have unconnected schedules that make it hard to interact as a unit, but many businesses will adapt to a family's religious participation if only they are asked. When family members share time at church it not only gives them the important times of prayer and learning about God's love, but may also make a topic for further conversation at a later time. This can draw families together which adds to the support and nurturing among the individuals. Some of the best church bulletin covers depict various stages of family development. Newly married couples, mothers and fathers with children and other extended family members are often portrayed. 

When different people attend a church service they may each get a slightly different idea from the message that has been delivered. That isn't the only way families can bond through the church. Many churches have recreational activities such as ball games, choirs, youth groups, and dinners for members to participate in. Even activities away from the church property can bring individuals closer together as they work toward a common goal. Good church bulletins will have datelines of activities with accurate information for families to choose how to be of service. Other families can work together, get to know each other, and further their witness to the world by drawing strength and compassion through service to God. 

One never knows who might be touched and changed through the witness of a family. Sometimes a family member may not be as churched as another, but prayer and sharing of events printed in church bulletins can spark an idea that may be of interest and draw that person into an activity with a family member that further leads into more sacred experience with salvation. That is where the blessing is. The best church bulletin covers may contain a biblical passage or idea that can be discussed. 

A bulletin that has some busywork for youngsters within it can make them more comfortable and help them to listen more during a church service. Young ears pick up many things while hands are occupied so never think a child may not have a question once they leave. Questions can even be instigated about the picture on the best church bulletin covers and growth can be shared. This can also add to trust and reassurance about God as well as family members which can be so important in the life of a youth. 

When churches reach out to families in need they may start a snowball effect of marvelous sharing. Taking a church bulletin for their family to share along with offering more detailed information to any questions they might have may open an opportunity for them to grow spiritually within their own family, becoming part of God's precious family. It can give them time at their own leisure to look at what a church has to offer and how they might become part of that ministry. Written word has always been an important part of the church and bulletins continue to be an aid to more and more families interacting together.