Atlanta 8/21/2013 9:10:00 PM
News / Food and Related Products

Shade Grown Coffees Offer a Healthier More Flavorful Experience from World Trader Coffee

World Trader Coffee is proud to offer healthy options that also help the environment. Shade Grown coffees are perfect for this as they typically are organically grown and require no deforestation to be grown. Shade Grown coffees take longer to ripen because they do not get as much sun, and this makes them taste better. It is widely believed that the long ripening times contribute to complex flavors.

If there is a perfect example of the rich flavors that come from Shade Grown coffees, one of the best examples is definitely Tarrazu Dota coffee from Costa Rica. Tarrazu Dota coffee famously a complete coffee experience, famous for its rich body, acidity and sweet and spicy overtones.

Or if you want something less acidic, Nicaraguan Shade Grown coffee is a medium-bodied coffee that is full of flavor and is known to be less acidic than other Central American coffee. The quality of Nicaraguan coffee has attracted attention around the world because not only is it Shade Grown, but it is grown in rich volcanic soil.

Grown high in the Colombian Andes is another Shade Grown coffee that is renown around the world for its pleasant acidity and smooth finish. A medium to full bodied coffee with overtones ranging from nutty to fruity.

World Trader Coffee accepts all major credit cards as well as paypal. This is an SSL Volusion secured site.

For information on these incredible savings and on all our coffee contact us: Customer Care staff by phone at 877-303-JAVA (5282).