Salt Lake City 2/22/2014 7:25:00 AM
News / Science & Technology


The Fifth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change WGI Report Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis has at last appeared on the IPCC website at
The last Fifth Report, which was received at Stockholm in September 2013, approved the Summary for Policymakers but merely accepted the rest of the Report, pending further amendment. They published the entire “accepted” Report in a form that claimed it was merely a draft with the declaration: “Do not Cite, Quote or Distribute”. 
The “Final, Final” Report was published on the 30th of January, with a press statement at
It still appears to be incomplete. There is a front cover page, but no introductory page with the editors on it. However, there is a separate front cover for the Summary for Policymakers and an introductory page which lists the editors. 
The co-chairs were Thomas F Stocker (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Qin Dahe (China Meteorological Administration), with eight more editors. 
There is no Index, which makes it difficult to read since some of the topics are in unexpected places. 

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