header photo Lexington 7/26/2019 1:15:03 PM
News / CBD

Join The Online CBD Marketplace Exchange Pelmor Lane To Buy And Sell Wholesale CBD Products

Pelmor Lane is the online CBD marketplace exchange connecting verified buyers and sellers looking to conduct business within the wholesale CBD industry. We have verified sellers that offer Crude CBD oils for sale, CBD Isolate and Distillate, THC Free Distillate as well as nano water soluble CBD Products. Establish a relationship with us today by calling 859-338-5670 to access our portal of verified buyers and sellers.

Pelmor Lane has established a verified portal of buyers and sellers of CBD products online. Oftentimes in the buying and selling of CBD products, buyers end up being brokers or agents, sellers end up not having COAs, a verifiable quantity, or can’t handle the freight and shipping logistics.

That is where Pelmor Lane comes in. Because we verify both buyers and sellers, confirming proof of funds from the buyer as well as delivery location, contact information and other pertinent details as well as COA from the seller, product quantity and product location, we help facilitate successful transactions where everyone benefits.

Buyers get the products they want, sellers sell the products that they have and even the growers of the products benefit when Pelmor Lane handles the financial transaction and aspects of each deal.

Join the online CBD marketplace exchange and buy and sell wholesale CBD products on Pelmor Lane. We help facilitate successful CBD transactions so everyone in the CBD supply chain can benefit.
