Chicago 1/18/2012 5:05:49 AM
News / Law

Illinois Foreclosure Defense Lawyers at Newland & Newland LLP to Speak at Bar Association Seminar

The Illinois foreclosure defense lawyers of Newland & Newland LLP will be speaking at the Northwest Suburban Bar Association for the second year on the subject of foreclosure defense, strategic default and loan modification. The seminar will be March 20, 2012 starting at 5:45.

Trial lawyer Gary A. Newland and Co-Chair of the Civil Law Committee for the bar association will be the moderator of the event that is expected to be sold out based upon last year’s educational lecture series presented by the Newlands. In 2011, the turnout was huge and there were no seats left empty for the lecture.

Gary is a graduate of Loyola Law School in Chicago and currently a partner in Newland & Newland LLP.  As a trial lawyer, Gary is on the front line of foreclosure defense litigation.

The issue of foreclosure defense is directly impacting so many people that the Northwest Bar Association has asked the lawyers of Newland & Newland LLP back for the second time on the same topic.  Members of the bar will receive 3 hours CLE credit for the lecture. Stephen Newland will be speaking on affirmative defenses related to mortgage foreclosure.

Some of the defenses Stephen will be speaking on are related to assignments, Robo-signers and other illegal bank activity. Stephen is a graduate of DePaul Law School and a partner in Newland and Newland LLP. Robin Bradley with Newland & Newland LLP will be speaking on jurisdictional related defenses and  Lorinne Cunningham of Newland & Newland LLP will speak about saving homes for families and getting the loan modification.

Gary will also be speaking at District 214's Community Education Program to the general public on March 14, 2012 at 6:00 pm offering a trial lawyers perspective on the foreclosure crisis. He will also be discussing how our country got into the crisis and how homeowners can get loan modifications.

Newland & Newland LLP also has an online foreclosure journal at  The web page for Newland & Newland LLP is located at

Attorney Gary Newland is a member of the national attorney network on

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