is a form of lung cancer that affects the delicate lining of the lungs and
other internal organs. Detecting the disease in its early stages can help
prolong the lives of the people who contract this cancer, which is almost
exclusively caused by exposure to asbestos. Researchers in
of the tests used to diagnose mesothelioma is called pleural effusion cytology
where fluid in the lining of the lungs is tested for the presence of cancer
cells. Researchers in
Mesothelioma is a fatal lung cancer, which is preventable. The people, who contract this disease, work in industries that commonly use asbestos. Mesothelioma attorneys represent the victims of this disease so that they may obtain the funds needed for their medical care.
The diligent work of environmental activists, healthy professionals and mesothelioma lawyers have led to public awareness of how dangerous asbestos can be. This has led to strict regulations on asbestos use.
The companies that use asbestos are required to provide protection to workers who come in contact with the material. But these laws came to late to prevent many cases of mesothelioma, which can take decades to manifest in a person, and people are still suffering from this disease. Mesothelioma attorneys give these people the chance to a have a voice in court.
to the internet people have ready access to information about mesothelioma, but
bills in Congress, SOPA and PIPA, are seeking to censor the internet. These
bills need to be stopped in order to preserve the freedom of speech.