Fort Lauderdale, FL 1/19/2012 6:25:12 AM
News / Internet

Lawmakers back out of support of internet piracy bills

The internet has been inundated with protests to the anti-piracy bills that are dure to be debated in Congress on January 24th. Search engines like Google, along with Facebook, Wikipedia, internet uses and even legal internet marketing firms have made their concerns about the draconian bill heard. And lawmakers are listening.

SOPA and PIPA have lost support of lawmakers who initially backed the bill. Reuters reported that Senators Marco Rubio (R.-FL), Jon Cronyn (R. - TX) and Roy Blunt (R. - MS) have all rescinded their support for PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act).

The House bill SOPA has also lost support of key lawmakers.

The biggest supporters of these two bills are the recording and filmmaking industries.

These two internet bills give the federal government too much control over the internet and while the lawmakers support moves to stop online piracy they feel this gives too much reach to the government.

Google and other opponents point out that there are numerous laws in place to protect intellectual property.

These bills could adversely affect different sectors of the tech industry and this includes the thousands and thousands of people employed in the legal internet marketing sector.

The internet, an American innovation, has become a symbol of free speech. The attempt to censor the internet strikes at the heart of one of America’s favored liberties. Legal internet marketing firm Digital Age Marketing wants to add its voice to the protest.