Atlanta 1/20/2012 1:26:45 AM
News / Law

Severed Hands, Feet Found Near Human Head In Hollywood Hills Park

Los Angeles police say a pair of severed hands and a pair of severed feet were discovered Wednesday in the same area of a Hollywood Hills park where two dog walkers found a human head earlier this week. Police Cmdr. Andrew Smith says investigators “have every reason to believe” the remains belong to the same person. The victim has been described as a male with “salt-and-pepper-colored” hair who could be between 40 and 60 years old.

The severed head was discovered Tuesday shortly before 4 p.m. on a trail that runs below the Hollywood sign in the Bronson Canyon Park. Two women walking about nine dogs told police the head rolled out of a plastic bag after two of their dogs started playing with the bag. The area was cordoned off and cadaver dogs were used to search for additional remains. About 50 yards from the initial discovery, a cadaver dog found part of a hand. A second hand and two feet were found later Wednesday.

"We're hoping that we can find more remains," Police Cmdr. Smith said.

The coroner is attempting to identify the man using dental records. Investigators are also checking missing person reports. Police will continue to search Bronson Canyon Park Thursday.


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