Detroit 1/20/2012 3:52:08 AM
News / Law

Detroit automakers named highest volume auto producers

Detroit automakers, General Motors, Chrysler and Ford, almost became non-existent in 2008 after the country’s economic collapse. But government funding and business restructuring have allowed Detroit’s automakers to bounce back and they now have the coveted title of highest volume auto producers.

Not only are the Big Three producing more vehicles, but they are also creating higher quality vehicles. They are becoming more fuel efficient and will now include new safety features, allowing American automakers to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. 

Fuel efficiency has always been a favored feature in foreign autos with America lagging behind, but the tides have turned. Consumers who want to buy an American car but are concerned about gas prices no longer have to worry.

Advanced safety features also make Detroit cars more attractive to consumers. Now that Detroit is making more cars, more of them will hit the roads; more cars on the road mean more traffic accidents and more work for accident attorneys

Some of the safety features include larger rearview mirrors; cameras to aid backing up and lane-monitoring systems that keep drivers from drifting and dozing. 

Even with enhanced safety features traffic accidents are inevitable and victims will find they need an accident attorney if they are injured. 

Any one who has been injured or lost valuable property should contact an accident lawyer immediately to begin building a strong case.