Denver 1/20/2012 4:57:05 AM
News / Law

Deportation policy gives 1 in 6 illegal immigrants a reprieve

The Obama administration ordered a lightening review of 7,900 deportation cases before immigration courts in the area. The review revealed that 1,000 of people being reviewed posed no security risk and will be allowed to stay in the U.S, according to the New York Times.

When the Obama administration announced the program in December he was criticized by anti-immigration activists and the praise of advocates. This measure will prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants in good standing with no criminal record. 

Despite what the critics say the Obama administration has been tough on illegal immigrants and have prevented hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossings. The current administration has also deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. 

The administration has also proposed streamlining the citizenship process for illegal immigrants, who have American family members. The process of obtaining visas or citizenship is a major barrier for immigrants. Many would rather risk deportation than enlist an immigration attorney to undertake the time consuming and arduous route to legal residency. 

Entering the U.S. with legal documents obtained with the assistance of an immigration attorney is the best way to avoid deportation. But these reviews will give a sort of amnesty to an estimated 39,000 immigrants, although their path to citizenship is in limbo at the moment. 

Illegal immigrants face a number of challenges that can only be conquered with legal residency. Though it may seem easier to enter the country without legal documents, an immigration lawyer can attest to the benefits of a legal presence.