London 1/24/2012 3:47:57 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Cosmetic surgeons in the UK call for a ban on advertising

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons is calling for a ban on cosmetic surgery advertisements and stricter regulations on the industry, according to the BBC.

The BAAPS alleges that there a “cowboy” cosmetic treatment industry in the UK and call for a ban on advertising because it is a medical treatment that should not be taken lightly. There is a similar ban on advertisements for pharmaceuticals. 

The BAAPS is responding to the prevalence of advertising and vouchers which give deep discounts on cosmetic surgery procedures. They believe that advertising and vouchers diminish the seriousness of cosmetic surgery as a medical treatment that carries the risk of complications which can be minimized by a qualified surgeon. 

In the US, there have been many cosmetic surgery patients that have been harmed by unqualified plastic surgeons. Rogue surgeons have performed liposuction and other surgeries that have caused death or serious medical conditions. 

The overwhelming majority of surgeons that offer breast augmentations, liposuction and other plastic surgeries are qualified and are concerned with the well-being of their patients. But there are numerous people who offer these procedures that do not have the necessary training. 

In the US, it is unlikely that anyone would propose a ban on cosmetic surgery advertisements. Instead a patient is encouraged to thoroughly check the qualifications of their chosen surgeon and to avoid the temptation of discounted liposuction offered by unqualified surgeons.