Los Angeles 1/25/2012 3:36:46 AM
News / Law

Seal speaks about divorce on Ellen while Heidi shops for lawyers

While Seal talks to Ellen DeGegeneres about his divorce from Heidi Klum, she was spotted in LA interviewing divorce lawyers

Seal spoke to Ellen on her daily talk show about his divorce from Heidi. He told Ellen that the couple had been apart for a while and tried to work on their differences, but couldn’t. This doesn’t diminish the respect he has for Heidi and told Ellen that she is “the best woman in the world.”  Seal was still wearing his wedding ring. 

Meanwhile, TMZ reported that Heidi was meeting with notorious divorce attorneys in Los Angeles. According to their report, Heidi interviewed several divorce attorneys before she chose one. Because she revealed personal information in the interviews Seal will not be able to hire any of the attorneys that Heidi met with. 

When the couple announced they would be splitting on Monday, they cited irreconcilable differences. Unidentified sources told People magazine that the real reason they are divorcing is because of Seal’s temper and “hard partying” ways. The source also stated that the couple had been fighting a lot lately.  

The couple has four children together so they are trying to make the transition as easy as possible on them. 

Celebrity or not anyone can get a favorable settlement when they hire an accomplished divorce attorney. A divorce attorney can help settle disagreements about asset division and custody of children.