New York 1/25/2012 4:08:41 AM
News / Internet

Internet Advertising Overtakes Print Ads

The days when print advertising made up a large part of a business or law firms marketing campaigns are coming to a close. While print advertising will still be an important component of effective legal internet marketing, internet advertising over social media and mobile platforms will become increasingly important.

According to eMarketer, online advertising spending will reach $39.5 billion eclipsing the $33.8 billion that will be spent on print advertising, the majority of these advertising dollars will go to newspapers. This is the first time in advertising history that internet marketing will overtake print adverts.

While more of a businesses marketing budget will go towards online marketing, TV ads are expected to grow. Television advertising is expected to grow from $64.8 billion in 2012 to $72 billion in 2016.

Two of the key components to legal internet marketing in 2012 will be social media and mobile marketing.

Social media has been an important aspect of internet marketing for the past couple of years and its popularity is still growing. Social media platforms have the ability to reach millions of customers through minimal effort.

Mobile marketing is an area that is poised to grow as more and more people purchase smart p-phones. This is a growing market that should be seized by legal internet marketing firms. Though it requires websites to be optimized for mobile platforms it has the potential to reach a new base of customers as local search becomes more popular.