Los Angeles, CA 1/26/2012 3:29:02 AM
News / Entertainment

Joan Rivers premiers second season with plastic surgery

It’s no secret that Joan Rivers has had plastic surgery and enjoys the fact that she combat aging with a nip and tuck here and there. So the irreverent comedian decided to highlight her love of plastic surgery by filming her 474th procedure for the debut episode of her reality show, “Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best.”

While celebrities have helped lift some of the stigma placed on cosmetic surgeries like liposuction and face-lifts, some think maybe Joan has had more than enough, especially her daughter Melissa. 

Joan blew off these concerns by saying, “My body is a temple and the temple needs redecorating.”

There are a large number of men and women who would agree with Joan, though they may not feel the need to take it to the same extreme. 

Plastic surgery is a great way to correct the figure flaws that have a detrimental effect on a person’s self-esteem. Cosmetic surgeries are safe and not generally life-threatening when preformed by a qualified physician. 

Liposuction is one of the top ten cosmetic surgeries for men and women because it gives a person the chance to contour their bodies. Liposuction can eliminate unsightly fight when diet and exercise have failed. Fat is gently suctioned out of the areas that hold onto fat, giving the figure a trimmed and toned look. Recovery time is minimal and the results will be apparent within weeks.