Racine 1/27/2012 12:05:09 AM
News / Law

Teenage IHOP waitresses win sexual harassment lawsuit

Two teenager women, who worked at the Racine International House, of Pancakes won a $105,000 sexual harassment lawsuit against their former employer, according to Courtroom News. 

Katrina Shisler and Michelle Powell worked at the IHOP in 2005 and during that time their manager Rosalio Gutierrez repeadly subjected them to sexual harassment. The EEOC acting in their behalf filed the suit against Gutierrez, Flipmestack Inc. and the restaurant owner Salauddin Janmohammed. 

According to court testimony, Gutierrez made sexually charged comments to Shisler, telling her on one occasion that he wanted to take her in the back and have sex “with her over pancake batter.” 

On another occasion, Guiterrez asked her to have a “three-way” with him and his bi-sexual girlfriend. In addition to these comments, Gutierrez would touch both the girl’s inappropriately and repeatedly made inappropriate sexual comments. 

Shisler and Powell told their general manager Michelle Dahl that Gutierrez was “physically and sexually abusing” them, but Dahl ignored their complaints. This is why people seek outside sources such as sexual harassment attorneys or the EEOC to end harassment.  

The EEOC successfully won a $105,000 judgment for the two women. When a person hires a sexual harassment lawyer they will be able to obtain a larger settlement. 

The IHOP had a sexual harassment training and reporting policy in place. Sexual harassment attorneys know that having a policy in place cannot alone prevent harassment in the workplace, because many times the individuals in high positions abuse their power.