Vallejo 1/27/2012 2:49:08 AM
News / Health & Wellness

California man wins $7.5 million asbestos settlement

A California jury awarded a construction worker $7.5 million settlement after he contracted mesothelioma, a fatal cancer caused by asbestos, according to a press release from law firm Weitz & Luxenburg.  

The man, who wished to remain anonymous, worked for two decades installing underground water and sewer pipes. These pipes were concrete-asbestos composite pipes and he was often in charge of cutting the pipes. He was exposed to asbestos repeatedly. 

The man filed his lawsuit a year after he contracted mesothelioma. His mesothelioma attorneys used sound detective work to identify the six companies, who manufactured sold or delivered the asbestos-laden pipes. 

By the end of the work day the man was covered in fine dust that contained asbestos. When he was cutting the pipes, he stated the cloud of dust around him was so thick you couldn’t see the person standing three feet away from you, according to the press release. 

Asbestos was once widely used in numerous industries which include construction, oil refinery and shipping. Once mesothelioma lawyers, health professionals and environmental activists were able to convince the government and the public that asbestos is dangerous the material was largely banned, though not entirely. 

Mesothelioma is expensive to treat and will eventually take the person’s life. When they retain a mesothelioma attorney they will get the money they need to make then comfortable and pay off their medical costs. This will also give them some reassurance that the companies that had no regard for their health will be held accountable.