St. Cloud 1/27/2012 5:11:39 AM
News / Law

Florida man gets third DUI in nine months

Bo Beyers, a local rancher has landed himself in jail for the third time in nine months for driving while intoxicated. 

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Beyers was arrested for DUI last May after a head-on collision that nearly killed a woman and her two children. A blood test revealed that at the time of this incident Beyers had marijuana, xanax and alcohol in his system. 

His second arrest occurred in August when a police officer discovered his passed out behind the wheel of his car. The officer’s report stated that once Beyers woke up he kept telling the officer to “chill out,” according the Sentinel. 

Beyers may soon be chilling out behind bars even if he hires a DUI attorney. Courts will often be lenient on a first offender, but after the second or third they may run out mercy. 

Beyers latest arrest came Tuesday evening after he drove onto a sidewalk, struck a pedestrian, a mail box and several palm trees. When the officer asked for his driver’s license he produced court papers from his previous arrests. 

The pedestrian had minor bruises on his elbow and refused to go to the hospital. 

Beyers submitted to field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, DUI with serious bodily injury. He is currently in jail without bail.

Even though this is his third arrest Beyers has the right to an effective defense provided by a DUI lawyer. A DUI attorney is critical to anyone who has been arrested for drunken driving