Chicago 1/27/2012 6:27:48 AM
News / Entertainment

What you can expect after liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgeries and is designed to help people remove fat from the body that cannot be eliminated through diet and exercise. There are numerous different techniques available to surgeon to loosen and remove the fat but no matter what the technique, recover is essentially the same.
All liposuction requires some form of anesthesia. Depending on the technique and the volume of fat being removed the surgeon may administer local or generalized anesthesia. General anesthesia requires that the patient be put completely under while localized anesthesia numbs the area being operated on. A patient who has general anesthesia will be groggy after their procedure. Aside from that their results will be the same.
After your liposuction, you will experience drainage from the incisions. This is natural, a little messy and essential to the healing process.
The patient can return to normal activities roughly one week after the surgery. The patient should wait for a few weeks before doing strenuous activities.
The patient may experience bruising and swelling for several weeks after the surgery. The bruising will begin to disappear within a few weeks but the swelling can take a few months to go down.
Patients shouldn’t expect the results to be apparent for at least four to six months after the surgery. That is why it is important to plan ahead if you want to look your best by a certain time.