Jacksonville, Florida 8/7/2009 8:40:00 PM
News / Education

Meaningful Life Changes with Substance Abuse Support Groups

Finding Tools and Resources that Fit Your Needs

Millions of people across the United States have struggled with addiction at one point in their lives. Many of these individuals continue the battle to this very day. Each of these people experienced a unique pathway to their issues with drugs or alcohol. As a consequence, a person who has made the decision to obtain substance abuse treatment has a unique set of needs and requirements. The Treatment Solutions Network, www.treatmentsolutionsnetwork.com, is committed to providing people with substance abuse issues the ability to find treatment programs and facilities as well as companion support groups that specifically are suited to their own needs, goals and objectives.


At Treatment Solutions Network we understand that a cookie cutter approach to treatment and recovery is not appropriate. In selecting a treatment center or program, in considering support groups, one size simply does not fit all.


Our team of experienced professionals is available to people desiring to undertake an effective recovery program around the clock each day, 365 days a year. We have the training and expertise to work closely with a person seeking effective treatment options to find those appropriate resources, facilities and programs that will best ensure that the individual needs of that individual fully are met.


In the end, only by finding those resources that fit your particular needs will you be on a true course to a healthy, happy life – free from substances.



Media Contact:

Phone:  877-417-6237

Email:   info@tsnemail.com