Academy of Computer Education (ACE) reveals new San Francisco computer training. ACE has been an international computer and IT security training and certification leader. Over the past few years ACE has received major international awards for the quality and volume of training that it provides to people all across the world. “We are excited about expanding the locations of our training courses into San Francisco. We’ve had students from all over asking for training courses in their areas, so we’re thrilled to finally be available to our clients.” ,said Ashley Duffy, Marketing Manager of ACE.
These courses are offered onsite or online, and are designed into modules that break the material down into logical lessons that are supplemented with hands-on labs. There is a direct link on their website where interested people can request information on certification training classes such as:
-Security +
-Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
-Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
-Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP)
-Advanced Wireless Security (AWS)
-Advanced Mobile Hacking
-A+/Network +
-and more….
The growth of these training classes should be a success, especially with the market for this type of training developing so rapidly in San Francisco due to its large military presence. Academy of Computer Education has been providing computer certification training to people, companies and agencies since 2001. They connect IT professionals with the best local or online training options to achieve computer training certifications. For information on their courses, visit their website or call (877) 564-8724.