New York 1/28/2012 12:53:55 AM
News / Law

Man loses Star Trek home in divorce

“Star Trek” fans have such devotion to their favorite show that it can border on obsession. Such is the case of one British man, who devoted his spare time and a significant amount of money transforming the interior of his apartment to look like the inside of The Voyager.

Now Tony Alleyne, 58, is going to lose his Star Trek themed home, in a small English town called Hinckley, to divorce. He and his wife Georgina separated in 1994 but they are just now getting a divorce. Georgina, who owns the property, wants to dismantle the apartment and sell off the parts.

Alleyne spent the past decade and close to $150,000 to renovate his home; looks like he could use the help of a divorce attorney.  He fabricated most of the materials himself and managed to make a stunning replica complete with a holadeck.

Alleyne started the project in 1997, three years after his wife left. Since then Georgina, 52, has been paying the mortgage and wants to sell it as a conventional home. Alleyene was allowed to live in the home for ten years after his wife left.

In a divorce many things can be lost that is why it is important to hire a divorce lawyer to settle any disputes over property or assets.

Anyone who wants to get a fair settlement form their divorce can benefit from the expertise of a divorce attorney.