Hollywood, CA 1/28/2012 5:54:14 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Liposuction is a good way to get shapely arms

Spring is right around the corner and the summer is not far behind and that means it’s time for sun dresses, tank tops, and bathing suits. But some people shy away from sleeveless fashions because their arms are unshapely or have saggy pockets of fat.

Most people know that liposuction can help them get rid of that ugly fat on their stomach, thighs and buttocks. Those aren’t the only areas that can benefit from liposuction. The appearance of the arms can also be improved with liposuction.

For many, going to the gym is a regular part of their day but lifting weights can take many months for the person to get the desired results. Some people don’t have the patience to wait this long or they don’t have the amount of time to devote to weight lifting. Maybe they just have unshapely arms no matter how much they exercise.

These individuals can turn to liposuction to sculpt their arms so they feel confident in sleeveless fashions. A patient can pinpoint the areas of the arms that they find unappealing and their plastic surgeon can gently remove the fat.

 A liposuction procedure performed now will give a person time to heal so that they have the best results by the time spring and summer rolls around. With more attractive arms you won’t look out of place wearing log sleeves in the sweltering summer.