New York 1/31/2012 2:56:01 AM
News / Law

Yale sexual harassment problems take center stage again after QB is accused of assault

Yale was the subject of a controversy earlier last year when female students alleged that the university failed to properly address sexual harassment complaints.

The university has been thrust back into the spotlight after The New York Daily News and the New York Times published a story accusing a quarter back, who was chosen to be a Rhodes Scholar, of sexual assault.

Patrick Witt, 22, received national attention last year after he chose to play in an important football game against Harvard instead of attend day long interview to become a Rhodes Scholar. The Times and the Daily News reported that Witt didn’t attend the interview because he was accused of sexual assault. There has been no solid evidence provided to back up the allegations. 

Yale has in the past faced criticisms that university officials ignored or did nothing to prevent sexual harassment on the campus. Sexual harassment attorneys know how common this kind of harassment is on college campuses.

When an employer or school officials fail to address sexual harassment allegations the victims must turn to outside sources. Sexual harassment lawyers can be retained to intervene on behalf of the employee or student.

 Sexual harassment can be difficult to prove without help. When a sexual harassment attorney is working for the victims they will be able to end the behavior and seek compensation for the hostility they have endured.