New York 1/31/2012 3:49:32 AM
News / Law

New study shows that divorce affects the health of younger adults

It is no secret that divorce can have a negative effect on the mental and physical health of the parties involved. But a new study shows that people who head to a divorce attorney at a younger age have more health problems than people who divorce later in life. 

Hui Lui, a sociologist at Michigan State University, analyzed the health of 1,282 participants of a long term national survey, Americans’ Changing Lives. She assessed the health of people who remained married or got divorced over a 15 year period. 

Lui found that people who transitioned between marriage and divorce experienced a rapid decline in health as opposed to people who remained married. Baby boomers had more negative affects to their health than older generations.  Study participants who remained divorce during the study period showed no difference in health. 

Lui suggests that transitioning from marriage to divorce is to blame for declining health instead of the status of being divorced or married. 

Divorce attorneys have firsthand experience with the detriments of divorce. They represent people at one of the worst times of their lives. Since divorce is such a stressful time it is no surprise that an individual’s health is compromised. 

A divorce lawyer can help take away some of the stress. They can be the voice of reason when determining how to divide assets and deciding on child custody issues.