New York 2/1/2012 1:31:36 AM
News / Law

The Chelsea Hotel locked in asbestos battle

The Chelsea Hotel in New York is a cultural icon but now the residents and new owner are locked in a battle over asbestos.

The New York Daily News reported that the owner of the Chelsea has been ordered to remove asbestos from a shaft space. This is just another battle the owner, Joseph Chetrit.

Last December residents sued Chetrit because of a renovation project that released dust and debris.

Asbestos abatement can be costly and sometimes people fail to follow proper procedures when removing the toxic substance. Regulations on asbestos removal are intended to protect people from future health problems.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring material which can cause serious health problems. When disturbed asbestos fibers become airborne and the can be inhaled. Once the fibers lodge into the lungs they can cause a number of diseases including mesothelioma, a deadly cancer affecting the lining of the lungs, asbestosis and other pulmonary diseases.

Treatment for mesothelioma is costly and the victims of this disease turn to mesothelioma attorneys to obtain the funds needed for their medical treatments.

Mesothelioma attorneys have been fighting for the rights of people after being exposed to asbestos by negligent employers, who failed to warn them of the dangers or failed to provide adequate protection. Expert mesothelioma lawyers have won large lawsuits for the people who contracted a detrimental disease because their employers showed a disregard for their health.