Dallas 2/3/2012 1:48:00 AM
News / Fashion

Liposuction isn’t just for the belly

Any man or woman can pick apart their appearance and tell you which physical features they find troubling. The stomach, buttocks and the thighs are the regions of the body that most people complain about, but there are other areas that cause people discontent. 

Areas of the body like the knees, neck and ankles are areas where resilient fat can sit on the body and unlike the stomach, thighs, and buttocks exercise cannot help people get rid of the unsightly fat in these areas. But the minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure liposuction can help people improve the appearance of these areas. 

The knees and ankles aren’t easily sculpted through exercise and dieting and cause serious anxiety in people who have these figure flaws. A plastic surgeon can use a technique called micro-lipo, which employs smaller cannulas to suction out fat, to contour these troubling regions. By removing the fat in these areas the patient won’t feel like they have to hide their legs. 

The neck and chin can also cause people considerable unhappiness. As we age or our weight fluctuates, the chin and neck can appear saggy. Liposuction in these areas can sculpt these areas so that a person can look in the mirror without disdain and make a good first impression. 

A board certified plastic surgeon can show a patient how they can make them look better, which will give them more self-confidence.