Miami 2/4/2012 3:45:39 AM
News / Law

Miami woman blames big boobs for failing DUI field test

Miami, FL – Police and DUI attorneys hear a lot of unusual stories about DUI arrests, but this one has to rank high on the list of ridiculous.

A Miami woman, Maureen Jane Redmond was pulled over by police and double-parked in a Walgreens lot. Redmond kept trying to exit her vehicle after police told her several times to remain in her car. The officer also witnessed her drinking from two cups inside the car which she said was tea, but the officer stated one of the cups smelled of alcohol, according to

The officer asked Redmond to exit her vehicle and noticed that she staggered. He then asked her to participate in a field sobriety test. Redmond said that if he was going to ask her to close her eyes and keep her balance she wouldn’t do well because, “big breast don’t balance well.”

The officer asked her to walk a line heel to toe and turn around. Redmond them asked the officer if her realized she had a big chest. She then began walking then line and when she reached the end she began to dance.

The officer than asked her to stand on one leg with her hands by her side but once again she said she could do it because of her big boobies and offered to show him her breasts.

She never took a breath test and will have to seize her driver’s license. Redmond will now need the help of an experienced DUI lawyer.

Anyone, big boobs or not, can benefit when they retain a DUI attorney to help them with their case.