New York 2/4/2012 5:03:04 AM
News / Law

Customs officers bust smuggling ring that stowed illegals in car seats and engines

Customs officers arrested five men in connection to a smuggling ring that used African-American drivers to avert suspicion and carved out elaborate compartments to stow immigrants. 

A 60 year-old Compton woman is accused of running the ring of African-American drivers who smuggled illegal immigrants across the border. The immigrants were charged up to $4,000 each to be stowed away in trunks, under the hood beside the engine, and inside the dashboard as the drivers crossed the border.

ICE agents suspect that the ring smuggled close to 1,000 immigrants who chose to forgo legal entry with visas or green cards easily obtained by an immigration attorney.

The ring-leader chose young African-Americans, who spoke no Spanish, from underprivileged neighborhoods to throw off suspicion. Her son modified the vehicles to make secret compartments under the hood, in rear seats among other areas; the cars also included special shock absorbers to conceal the heavy loads.

Close to seven dozen illegals were transported across the border each month. ICE officials launched an investigation in 2010.

Getting legal status can take a lot of time and many immigrants chose to come to the states unaided by immigration lawyers. They all face deportation and jeopardize any future chances of legal residency.

In order to improve their lives people who wish to migrate to the United States should retain immigration attorneys to attain visas and citizenship.