Hollywood 2/7/2012 3:08:56 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Payday loan companies offer money for plastic surgery

Payday loan companies have been facing serious scrutiny in the U.S. for offering desperate people quick cash for steep terms. These companies also exist in the U.K. and are also facing serious scrutiny for targeting people who are unhappy with their bodies by offering loans to have plastic surgery procedures like face-lifts or liposuction.

Payday loan companies offer money to people who need money for emergencies, but can’t wait until payday. These loans carry high interest rates and should a person miss a payment the associated fees can cause a downward spiral into deeper debt.  

Cosmetic surgeries can cost anywhere from thousands to tens of thousand dollars depending on the procedure.

Companies in the UK who offer these services are facing criticism for offering these high interest rate loans to people desperate to have plastic surgery, but not patient enough to save the money. But their liposuction, which is relatively inexpensive, can end up costing them more than they bargained for. One such website cheapfastloans.co.uk offers as much as 25,000 pounds for cosmetic surgery, according to Daily Mail.

Payday lenders are within their rights to offer these high cost loans, but plastic surgeons recommend that people think carefully before they take out one of these loans, asserting that the decision to have a breast augmentation or liposuction should be carefully considered.  If a person doesn’t have the money to have cosmetic surgery they should wait until they are able to save the money and avoid these high risk loans.