New York 2/7/2012 5:50:48 AM
News / Law

Drunken man picks up son after DUI arrest

Altoona, PA- Central Pennsylvania police said that a local father, who came to pick up son after being arrested for DUI, was drunk.

The Altoona Mirror reported that police arrested 24 year-old David Peterson for DUI after someone reported a man sleeping behind the wheel of his vehicle on January 20th. At the time his blood alcohol content was .061.

Peterson Jr. called his father to pick him up at the police station around 3:30 am. Police noticed that David Peterson Sr. smelled like alcohol and asked him if he had driven himself to the station which Peterson confirmed. The police conducted field sobriety tests which he failed and determined that his blood alcohol content was 1 and ½ times the legal limit. The police placed him under arrest.

The Altoona Mirror reported that police charged both men with DUI today. Now, not only Junior will need the representation of a DUI attorney.

Like many people who get a DUI, Peterson Sr. must have though he was safe to drive. This is a common mistake for people who think that a couple to several drinks won’t affect their ability to drive, but so often they find themselves in need of a DUI lawyer.

A DUI can have a very negative affect on a person’s life and possibly lead to some time in jail. Anyone facing this charge needs to find an accomplished DUI attorney to reduce the impact this charge will have.