Phoenix, AZ 2/8/2012 11:41:15 PM
News / Law

Phoenix Injury Lawyers Offer Free Case Evaluations to Accident Victims

The Phoenix injury lawyers at Phillips Law Group are offering a free case evaluation to individuals who suffered an injury in an Arizona accident.  If you were injured by the actions of another, whether through negligence or malicious intent, the Phoenix injury lawyers urge you to contact an experienced legal professional in order to begin exploring your legal options.  To learn more about Phillips Law Group or to schedule a free case evaluation, visit

Typical personal injury lawsuits are a result of auto accidents, medical malpractice, slip and fall injuries, product liability and dangerous drug claims.  Any time an injury victim suffers harm due to no fault of their own, there may be potential to pursue legal recourse.  A serious injury is not only devastating, but its effects can last a lifetime.  With the help of an injury lawyer, you may be eligible to seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, mental anguish and other damages related to your injury.  It is important to have an experienced personal injury attorney by your side with the resources necessary to fight for your justice.

Oftentimes, it is difficult to determine who was at fault in an accident.  In order for a personal injury lawsuit to be successful, you must be able to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that another person caused the accident and, as a result, you suffered an injury.  To help accident victims prove negligence, the Phoenix injury lawyers at Phillips Law Group offer a free case evaluation in order to provide guidance on how to best proceed in pursuing justice.  To schedule a free and confidential consultation or to learn more about the rights of accident victims, visit today.

About Phillips Law Group

A well-respected name in personal injury law, the Phillips Law Group is committed to helping those who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of Arizona.  The personal injury attorneys at the Phillips Law Group have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice and product liability claims.