New York 2/11/2012 2:38:51 AM
News / Law

California police officer gets knocked out during DUI arrest

Fresno, CA- A Fresno police officer was knocked unconscious early Thursday morning when attempting to arrest a man on DUI charges.

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer told the local ABC station that the suspect warned police that they were going to have to work for the arrest.

The suspect Tyrod Hilliard got combative with officers after they stopped him for intoxicated driving. Dyer said, “One of the officers attempted to grab the suspect after the suspect said you are gonna have to work for the arrest. That was the sign to the officers they were going to have to utilize some type of physical effort to get this guy in custody.”

Dyer said that just a few moments later the suspect bent over and threw Officer Van Duersen off of him. Van Duersen hit his head on his patrol car and was knocked unconscious briefly and suffered from temporary memory loss.

This marks the increase in assaults on police officers. Just the day before in Fresno another man who was facing a DUI arrest pulled a large knife on an officer and was shot. He died as a result.

No one wants a DUI arrest, but it is better to hire a DUI lawyer instead of assaulting a police officer.

In a simple intoxicated driving arrest it is possible to have the consequences minimized by a DUI lawyer. An accomplished DUI lawyer has the right skills to help an offender reduce their penalties.