Phoenix 2/14/2012 4:39:57 AM
News / Law

Arizona Nursing Home Abuse Cases Now Accepted by Injury Law Firm

The nursing home abuse attorneys at Phillips Law Group are looking for people who have been abused or neglected in Arizona nursing homes.  Phillips Law Group has the knowledge and resources to litigate nursing home abuse cases. To learn more about nursing home abuse claims, please visit

There are several types of nursing home abuse, including mental abuse, physical abuse, neglect, financial exploitation and sexual abuse. Using coarse language, insulting an elderly person or speaking to them in a way that causes distress is considered mental abuse. Physical abuse is when the caretaker uses force against a resident. When staff members fail to provide goods and services necessary to keep the elderly safe and healthy, it is considered neglect. Sexual abuse is defined as having sexual contact with an elderly person without their consent. Whenever a caretaker uses an elder’s money or property without their permission, it is considered financial exploitation.

Family members should be aware of common signs of nursing home abuse. Nursing home abuse victims often have unexplained bruises, cuts, welts and scars on their bodies. Signs of neglect include unsanitary living conditions, dirty or unsuitable clothing and unusual weight loss. Be wary of any staff member that will not let you be alone with your loved one. Sudden large withdrawals from bank accounts can be a sign that an elder is being financially exploited.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses. Contact the nursing home abuse attorneys at Phillips Law Group to discuss your legal options. To learn more about Arizona nursing home abuse claims, visit

About Phillips Law Group

A well-respected name in personal injury law, the Phillips Law Group is committed to helping those who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of Arizona.  The personal injury attorneys at the Phillips Law Group have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice and product liability claims.