Hollywood 2/15/2012 2:36:04 AM
News / Law

Divorce records hit high on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the day that we show how much we love someone. And while many couples are planning romantic evenings, there are many others married couples who are planning their divorce.

In fact, divorce rates actually soar around Valentine’s Day. Couples have gotten through the holidays and are now reassessing their relationships. The New York Daily news reported that couples seek out divorce attorneys at a higher rate this time of year. In general, divorce rates spike about 40 percent in the days prior to and after Valentine’s Day.

Some couples are just acting on their New Year’s Resolutions and have waited until they get their taxes and financials in order. After mulling over the decision Valentine’s Day just emphasizes the need to get out of an unhappy marriage.

Other couples wait to see how their spouse will treat them on Valentine’s Day. If the romance is no longer there then they feel like it is time to seek out a divorce lawyer so they can move on into a happier relationship or just be single for a while. The day for lovers sometimes reminds people that they aren’t getting the love they need in their marriage.

Ending a marriage is not easy along with all the emotional issues there are a number or pragmatic issues to deal with, like how to divide assets and property, who will get custody of any children, and how it will impact future financial situations. When seeking dissolution it is best to let a divorce attorney help you handle these issues.