San Diego 2/15/2012 4:15:59 AM
News / Business

Search Engine Land’s internet marketing SMX conference begins in two weeks

The internet and technology change so fast that it can be difficult to keep up with all the new innovations. Every year the people from Search Engine Land hold a conference to help SEO and legal internet marketing firms keep abreast of changes and growing trends. This year’s conference begins on February 28th and continues until March 1st.

The SMX conference convenes in San Diego at the end of February and will include an agenda that covers a range of SEO and internet marketing topics which include social media, mobile marketing, paid search advertising, and search engine optimization.

The conference will also have two keynote speakers who will dispense their wisdom. Google’s Senior VP of Advertising, Susan Wojcicki, and Search Engine Land editor Danny Sullivan will give talks to unveil their techniques and strategies for online marketing in 2012.

In addition to the keynote speakers many topics relevant to online marketing will be covered through various lecture and presentations. Changes to social media and search engine algorithms will also be discussed.

The SMX conference also gives legal internet marketing and SEO firms from across the country the chance to make business connections and share their secrets to success.

These types of conferences are indispensable to companies that specialize in legal internet marketing, since this is an industry developed by people, who are self-taught, and require they stay current on the emerging marketing trends.