Phoenix, AZ 2/16/2012 12:32:14 AM
News / Law

Phoenix Injury Lawyers Offer Free Case Evaluations to Yaz Blood Clot Victims

The Phoenix injury lawyers at Phillips Law Group are offering free case evaluations to women who have been injured by Yaz, a popular oral contraceptive.  Recent studies have shown that there is a strong link between the hormone drospirenone, an active ingredient in Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella, and blood clots.  For more information on Yaz blood clot lawsuits, visit today to schedule a free case evaluation with a birth control injury lawyer.

A study conducted by the British Medical Journal discovered that there is a greater risk of developing blood clots when taking Yaz as opposed to other birth control pills.  Additionally, the study revealed that women who took Yaz were at an increased risk for developing venous thrombosis, a dangerous and often life-threatening blood clot that forms in veins, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).  DVT is characterized by blood clots developing in deep veins such as the leg or pelvis and often leads to pulmonary embolisms.  If you or a loved one has developed one of these dangerous health conditions after taking Yaz, Yasmin or Ocella, stop taking the drug immediately and contact your physician right away.

In 2008 and 2009, Yaz was the most popular and best-selling oral contraceptive on the market.  Sadly for many women, taking this birth control pill has turned into a nightmare.  Thousands of women are involved in a class action lawsuit again Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceutical, the manufacturer of Yaz and Yasmin, in the hopes of receiving compensation and justice for their Yaz blood clots.  

In an effort to help all Phoenix residents who have suffered injuries after taking dangerous drugs, Phillips Law Group is offering free case evaluations to all Yaz blood clot victims.  If you or a loved one has been injured by Yaz, Yasmin or Ocella, you may be eligible to collect damages for your losses, including medical bills, pain and mental anguish.  To learn more about Yaz injury claims or to schedule a free, no obligation consultation with a Phoenix injury lawyer, visit the law firm’s website at today.

About Phillips Law Group

A well-respected name in personal injury law, the Phillips Law Group is committed to helping those who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of Arizona.  The personal injury attorneys at the Phillips Law Group have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice and product liability claims.