New York 2/16/2012 3:17:29 AM
News / Law

Valentine’s Day ‘Win a Divorce’ stunt backfires on radio DJs

New Zealand- Two radio DJs for The Rock in New Zealand came up with a clever contest for Valentine’s Day by offering to pay for a divorce attorney and other related expenses for a lucky listener. They billed the contest as way out for man who married “Satan in a dress.”

This stunt was heavily criticized by listeners, but they were undaunted.  Their stunt backfired when they got fooled by a lesbian couple.

Leading up to Valentine’s Day, The Rock’s hosts Jono Pryor and Robert Taylor believed they had found a man named Sam, who would ask his wife for a divorce on the radio. Sam’s voice had been disguised so when they called him on the big day and took the distortion off his voice they realized Sam was actually a woman, who wanted to divorce her husband Andy.

Pryor and Taylor called Andy to give him the news, but Andy turned out to be Amber, Sam’s wife. Amber went on to criticize Taylor and Pryor on-air for holding such a ludicrous contest and informed than they had been sabotaged.

Divorce lawyers know that dissolution is no joke and often carries some heavy emotional and contentious financial issues. Their main priority is to help a couple settle these issues in a way that is beneficial to their client.  With a divorce attorney working on a case the divorcing parties will have a voice of reason to help settle their affairs.