A brief word about cocaine
Despite the rise in popularity of other addictive drugs such as club drugs, crack cocaine, crystal meth, and prescription painkillers, cocaine still remains one of the primary drug and public health threats in the US today. At one time during the 1970’s and the 1980’s, it was the popular drug of choice among recreational drug use circles. The perception changed and cocaine fell off in popularity with the advent of other addictive drugs, but it is still one of the primary drug threats in the US today according to the DEA.
There are four factors that affect how addictive a particular substance is and answer the question “Can you get addicted to cocaine?” These include:
- the drug’s pharmacological mechanism
- the purity of the substance that is taken
- the set or setting where that drug has been taken
- the individual characteristics of the individual who is using the drug
Cocaine’s mechanism
One of the first things to realize about cocaine is the fact that even though the onset of the high experienced with cocaine happens quickly, it doesn’t last long. The high typically peaks within about 5 to 10 minutes but completely wears off in a half hour or less. This is what drives the user to do more of the drug. The tendency of cocaine abusers and addicts to binge and then crash for days at a time is very common among these users of the drug.
Despite the fact that the binge and crash pattern is oftentimes followed by brief to extended periods of abstaining from using the drug, it does not make cocaine less addictive than substances that are used on an ongoing basis (e.g. heroin). This is a misconception and does not indicate that cocaine is less addictive than other substances. Due to its compulsive and volatile pattern of use, cocaine oftentimes has a higher fatality rate than these other addictive substances.
Addiction and purity factors

Cocaine hydrochloride for medicinal use. This is a CII controlled substance in the United States.
One of the factors regarding the purity of the drug is the fact that some cocaine on the street is only about 10% pure while 90% of the ingredients are made of other substances or cut and mixed with the cocaine. These substances that are used to mix with the cocaine feel, look, or taste like it, hence the reason for using them. What is sold as cocaine on the streets today is typically a mix of filter ingredients along with cocaine hydrochloride.
Some of the filter ingredients may be psychoactive in themselves while some are nothing more than just white powders. Some of the less expensive substances that cocaine is cut with are amphetamines or crystal meth. These are also highly addictive drugs on their own while others display a cross-tolerance with cocaine which usually increases the addictiveness of the drug even if you are not using true cocaine.
Cocaine addiction and the set or setting of it
Research has proven that the set or setting is crucially important as to whether or not an individual gets addicted to cocaine and if they can keep control of their substance use. When an individual uses cocaine in a situation where they feel good may make it much more difficult to enjoy that situation again in the future when the drug is not available or being used.
Additionally, in a setting where food intake is eliminated or restricted, individuals tend to self-medicate more often. When a person restricts the amount of food they eat for weight loss purposes, they will use cocaine as an appetite suppressant, to raise their energy levels, and to raise their metabolic rate. This approach to weight loss is extremely dangerous and a number of other health complications can develop from this.
Cocaine addiction and the characteristics of the individual using it

4% of the individuals who try cocaine for the first time are addicted to the drug after two years
The biggest misconception about cocaine addiction is that people tend to focus on the drug itself instead of the individuals who are taking it. Research shows that the rate of cocaine addiction is very low if the person has ever tried the drug in the past. About 80% of the cocaine users out there are not addicted to the drug two years after trying it for the first time. However, the other 20% appears to have serious problems with the drug.
Roughly 4% of the individuals who try cocaine for the first time are addicted to the drug after two years while another 16% are in the stage that exists just prior to full blown addiction. Other significant risk factors include the age at which cocaine is tried for the first time. For instance, the younger the individual is when they initially try cocaine, the greater the risk of getting addicted early on.
The long-term user has an even gloomier outlook. They will fluctuate between periods of low to no use and binges or heavy use. The periods of interruption result primarily from being incarcerated. The bottom line is that the answer to our question “Can you get addicted to cocaine?” is an emphatic “YES!” However, it’s not about whether or not you get addicted, it’s how the individual is affected by that addiction.
Getting professional help for cocaine abuse, addiction, and dependency
No matter if you are abusing cocaine, addicted to it, or have a dependency issue involving the drug, the longer you put off getting the help you need from an addiction treatment and recovery center, the greater your risk of the issue becoming life-threatening. There are thousands of deaths that happen every year as a result of cocaine overdose.
If you would like more information about an effective cocaine drug rehab program with an exceptionally high recovery success rate, please contact the Delray Recovery Center at the toll-free phone number listed above. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can so that you start getting professional help immediately.