Mountain View, CA 2/16/2012 5:02:48 AM
News / Business

Study shows Google+ users are predominately male

Google has introduced a number of social media platforms that have come and gone, but they have a hit with Google+. The number of Google+ users has grown and businesses and legal internet marketing firms have found it to be a critical tool for online marketing.

But a recent study showed that most Google+ users are male so companies that want to target this demographic will get the necessary exposure on this social media platform. reported that two-thirds of Google+ users are male, which is surprising since women are generally more active on social media sites.

When a legal internet marketing firm knows which demographic their clients are trying to target they can utilize the appropriate social media site. If they find that men are their target audience, a business page on Google+ can reach these consumers and drive more traffic to a home site and get more clients through the door.

Google+ has a global reach, but the overwhelming majority of users are located in the United States. A well-liked business page on a variety of social media websites can also increase a page’s rankings in traditional search.

A legal internet marketing firm will be able to a build a law firm’s client base by making them highly visible on the internet. Digital Age Marketing Group has years of SEO and social media experience, providing exceptional service to their many clients all over the U.S.