Atlanta 2/17/2012 12:37:39 AM
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Survivor One World Premiere Recap: Men Vs Women

It’s the battle of the sexes on the new season of Survivor, and it looks like that may end up to be an advantage for the guys.

The 18 new castaways arrive in the jungles of Samoa in the back of a truck laden with supplies. When the truck stops Jeff Probst is there to greet them. First, Jeff informs them it will be men verses women – Team Manano for the men and Team Salani for the women. The women seem excited while the men look slightly disappointed. He then gives them their first challenge of the season – strip the truck of as many supplies as possible in 60 seconds. Michael steals things from the women’s pile of supplies, but the women don’t realize it until the 60 seconds is up. Jeff then hands each tribe their maps to camp.

The women arrive at camp first and realize they will be setting up house right next to the men. The men aren’t far behind and seem less than pleased about living next to Team Salani. The women briefly gain the upper hand when they spot chickens and catch them. They try to trade a chicken for an ember from the men’s fire, but Matt refuses. The men continue to refuse any kind of trade until Christina offers to have the women weave leaves for the men’s shelter in exchange for fire. Alicia is furious with Christina for making the deal, but she doesn’t say anything.

Meanwhile, Colton cozies up to the girls and his efforts pay off big time. Sabrina finds a hidden immunity idol, but it is Manano's idol so the rules state she must give it to one of the guys. Sabrina secretly hands it over to Colton.

The immunity challenge is a simple, multiple part obstacle course. For part 1, each castaway must jump off a platform and land on a net below. Courtney injures her wrist when she lands on the net and can’t move on to part 2. Medics take her away for an x-ray which means the challenge cannot go on without even numbers on each tribe. Since the men had a slight lead in the challenge they are given the option of taking the win or finishing the challenge. They choose to take the win and send the women to tribal council.

At tribal council, Alicia calls Christina out for making a deal with the guys. The women are clearly not on the same page and they admit to Jeff that they have no leader. Jeff then delivers some good news – the women will not have to vote anyone off because Courtney’s wrist is broken and she will not be returning to the game.


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