West Palm Beach 2/17/2012 5:44:16 AM
News / Law

Florida Attorneys Available to Assist Injured Workers with their Benefit Claims

The worker’s compensation attorneys at Gordon & Doner are seeking individuals who have been hurt on the job. Every year, thousands of Florida employees are injured while at work. Many of these employees do not know how to file a worker’s compensation claim. Gordon & Doner has helped numerous Floridians with their worker’s compensation claims. To learn more about worker’s compensation claims, please visit http:// www.fortheinjured.com/floridas-workers-compensation-attorney.html.

By law, almost all Florida employers are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance. Florida workers who are injured or become ill on the job are qualified to receive worker’s compensation benefits. The purpose of worker’s compensation is to supplement some of the earnings that that an employee has lost and to cover their medical expenses.

Collecting worker’s compensation benefits can sometimes be difficult for workers. Worker’s compensation laws are complicated and have changed over the years. It is not unusual for workers to get into disputes with insurance companies over their benefits. There is no incentive for insurance companies to rule in a worker’s favor. When an injury occurs at the workplace, the insurance company loses money. Oftentimes, workers are unfairly denied their benefits, making it hard for them to support their families. There have also been known cases where employers will not report a worker's injuries to the insurance company. When these situations arise, it is beneficial to have an attorney assist with these disputes.

Experienced worker’s compensation attorneys are well-versed in Florida labor laws. Having the help of an attorney can be the difference between an injured worker having a claim denied and a worker receiving the benefits they deserve. Worker’s compensation attorneys are knowledgeable about different types of benefits and they can help a worker determine which benefits to apply for.

The attorneys at Gordon and Doner have the experience and the resources to help injured or ill workers with their claims. The law firm offers free case evaluations to injured workers.  To learn more about worker’s compensation cases, visit
 http:// www.fortheinjured.com/floridas-workers-compensation-attorney.html.

About Gordon & Doner

Gordon & Doner is committed to helping all those who have been injured by the actions or negligence of another person or entity.  The personal injury law firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida handles all types of personal injury claims including auto accident injuries, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice, product liability claims, premises liability and maritime law.