Long Beach 2/18/2012 2:56:04 AM
News / Law

ICE agent gunned down by coworker in California federal building

Long Beach, CA- An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent was wounded by a co-worker Thursday night over an unknown dispute.

The incident occurred at a Federal Building in Long Beach. The FBI said that two agents were having an argument when one agent fired his weapon at a supervisor. Another agent working nearby shot his weapon in order to prevent the agent form firing more rounds at the wounded supervisor.

Authorities are unclear if the dispute was personal or professional.

The agent who fired the initial shots died on the scene. The wounded agent was taken to the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds but his vital signs are good.

The identities of the agents involved in the shooting have not been released.

ICE has been under scrutiny as of late for their involvement in the Fast and Furious gun running scandal.

ICE has agents stationed throughout the country and on foreign soil and handles immigration and customs issues. ICE agents often pursue and detain people suspected being illegal immigrants.

Illegals can hire immigration attorneys to obtain legal document so they can avoid incarceration and eventual deportation.

Immigration lawyers are necessary for any foreign-born person who has the hopes of becoming a legal U.S. resident by attaining the necessary visas or citizenship. When a person hires an immigration attorney they have a better chance of becoming a legally recognized citizen and able to take advantage of the benefits that citizenship entails.