Winston-Salem 2/19/2012 10:00:00 PM
News / Law

North Carolina Bankruptcy Attorneys Offer Debt Relief Program

The Winston-Salem bankruptcy attorneys at Mike Lewis Attorneys are offering a debt relief program for those struggling with bills and finances in North Carolina. During these tough financial times, North Carolinians are struggling to make ends meet. It is never an easy choice for families to have to decide between buying groceries and paying their necessary debts. The bankruptcy attorneys at Mike Lewis Attorneys have a program in order to help those drowning in financial crisis.  Mike Lewis Attorneys offer a free debt analysis and consultation to determine if you are eligible for this program.  To find out more information about debt management, visit

The financial recession in America has affected all of us.  From the stock market struggle to record-high unemployment rates, Americans have been put in a dire situation due to financial hardship.  This is made evident by the amount of people struggling to pay their bills.  This is why there has been an increased rate of bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy, for a lot of people, is the way that consumers can receive a fresh start and escape the burden of debts.

For this reason, Mike Lewis Bankruptcy Attorneys offer a debt relief program.  The debt relief program does two things.  First, the service allows those with debt to gather money to file for bankruptcy while keeping debt collectors off their back.  It allows the debt collectors to call their attorneys, instead of bothering the consumer.  Secondly, debt collectors have a specific legal code they need to follow when calling someone in debt.  If debt collectors violate these laws (including harassing, using profanity, contacting family members and using threats), experienced attorneys will be able to seek damages for their violations.

If your debts are getting out of hand and you are debating bankruptcy, the bankruptcy lawyers at Mike Lewis Attorneys are here to help. The North Carolina debt relief agency is able to help victims of debt under the Bankruptcy Code. They offer a free case evaluation and debt analysis.  For more information on debt relief and bankruptcy options in North Carolina, visit the law firm’s website at

About Mike Lewis Attorneys

A well-respected name in personal injury law, Mike Lewis Attorneys is committed to helping individuals who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of North Carolina.  The personal injury lawyers at Mike Lewis Attorneys have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, product liability claims and bankruptcy litigation.  Visit Mike Lewis Attorneys online at for a free case evaluation and more information about your legal rights.