Fort Lauderdale 2/21/2012 4:08:01 AM
News / Internet

Informative content crucial to legal internet marketing

An effective legal internet marketing campaign isn’t just about getting someone to land on a website, it is also important to get a person to stay on the site. Keeping a person’s attention is dependent on the content that a person can view on a site.

When a search engine ranks a website one of the things taken into consideration is bounce rate, or how long a person stays on the page before moving on. One of the primary reasons a person leaves a website is lack of quality content, which can include informative articles and videos. To decrease the bounce rate legal internet marketing efforts should be focused on information important to prospective clients.

According to a report by GetElastic bounce rates for a landing page is between 70 and 90 percent while web pages that offer quality content have a bounce rate between 40 and 60 percent. We live in a time when people make their consumer decisions based on the information they gather from the internet.

Relevant news-based content can not only drive people to a lawyer’s website but it can also keep their attention and reduce bounce rate. This can be a time consuming endeavor for a busy attorney so they often turn to legal internet marketing firms to link informative articles to their website.

A legal internet marketing company that combines content with other SEO tactics can significantly increase traffic to a web page and drive more clients to offices of the attorneys they work for.