Topanga 2/21/2012 1:38:04 PM
News / Events



A mass demonstration against the Seminis Corporation in Oxnard,  according to their website the “largest grower and marketer of fruit and vegetable seeds in the world,” will take place beginning at 5:00 A.M. on May 1st, 2012.  Seminis, a division of Monsanto Incorporated, is a pioneer in the creation and distribution of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and has recently created an aluminum resistant seed that can withstand the extremely high levels of aluminum caused by the aerosol spraying that is part of a top secret military operation controlled by the United States Navy and Air Force.

“It’s unfortunate that human beings aren’t aluminum resistant,” says Philip Melnick, Executive Director of Gopyaka Films International (GFI), one of the demonstration’s sponsors. “The white-painted B52 jets for what project insiders call “solar radiation management” are owned by Omega Engineering based in London. Their two biggest clients are the Air Force and Navy. In fact, many of the jets take off from the Point Mugu Naval Air Station.”

Millions of Americans claim that Monsanto Incorporated is deeply involved in the spraying program, providing some of the metal and chemical “soup” for the missions. “What cynicism,” says Melnick. “Many people allege that Monsanto not only poisons our food supply, but also poisons our air and water through the aerosol spraying program.”

The demonstration against Seminis will begin early in the morning and continue until 10:00 P.M. Participants will form a moving picket line and will not interfere with the ability of employees to enter or exit their workplace. For those who wish to participate, the address is 2700 Camino del Sol in Oxnard, California.

“We’ll obey all laws,” says Melnick.  “Our intention is to raise awareness of the reality that we the people are being sprayed like bugs with aluminum, xylene, cadmium, strontium, as well as bacteria and viruses. Further, we’re being fed tomatoes that are crossbred with anchovies.”

This is Gopyaka Films International’s first foray into mass action. “We make television programs that promote the preservation of indigenous culture in the Americas,” says Melnick. “But when we videotaped chemical trails above the 2000 year old sacred city of Uxmal in the Yucatan it was too much for us. We decided we had to take a stand.”

For further information call: (818) 274-1132.