Hollywood 2/22/2012 1:02:33 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Ultrasonic Liposuction Has Advantages Over Traditional Techniques

Liposuction is ranked in the top five most commonly practiced plastic surgeries. And with good reason as it gives a person the opportunity to eliminate fat that has been resistant to exercise.

Over the years many different techniques have been developed to get rid of unattractive fat. With so many procedures to choose from, deciding on the right one can be difficult for the prospective patient. One technique called ultrasonic liposuction has some advantages over traditional techniques

Ultrasonic liposuction, like most techniques uses a cannula, a small hollow tube, to remove the fat from underneath the skin.  The fat is broken up with the use of high-pitched sound waves, which turns the fat to oil making it easier to suction out the unwanted fat. It has an advantage of being gentler than traditional liposuction, which involves a great deal of poking and probing on the area where fat is being removed.

The ultrasonic technique is ideal for regions on the body where the fat is tougher, like the arms and legs.  The legs and arms have more muscle and connective tissue and there are no nearby internal organs, eliminating the possibilities of complications.

Ultrasound liposuction can be performed on all areas of the body, including the chin, neck, thighs, and hips. Any patient considering ultrasonic liposuction should contact a board certified cosmetic surgeon to see if they offer the procedure and review the advantages.