New York 2/23/2012 6:09:58 AM
News / Business

Getting Your Daily News Through Social Media is a Growing Trend

It used to be that people got their daily news from a paper, the television and more recently the internet, but now social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are now becoming a source for keeping up on current events.

A new study by AYTM Research showed that 12.9 respondents to a survey said that they got their news from a social media website. The survey also found that 54.7 percent of the people surveyed found out about breaking news on Facebook and 19.9 percent on Twitter.  This emphasizes how important it is for a legal internet marketing company to post news content on a variety of social media platforms.

The majority of those surveyed still rely on newspapers and news sites for news, but getting the news on social media is poised to grow and many agencies offer applications, which deliver news directly to social media accounts.

News content on social media can lead to more visits on a website through sharing. People trust their friends and are likely to look at content posted by their followers or friends. This gives a legal internet marketing company the opportunity to reach more people and boost their client’s page rankings.

Social media alone is not enough for effective online marketing. An experienced legal internet marketing company will also utilize search engine optimization and other tactics to help drive more visitors to a web page and expose a business to more potential clients.

Digital Age Marketing Group has a proven record of increasing a website’s rankings on multiple search engines.