Sacha Baron Cohen will not be welcome at this Sunday’s Academy Awards if he plans to walk the red carpet dressed as his character in the upcoming comedy The Dictator. An Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences spokesperson has denied reports Cohen’s Oscars tickets have been pulled, but did confirm Academy officials “don’t think it’s appropriate” for him to come in character to promote the film.
"We haven't banned him. We're just waiting to hear what he's going to do,” the rep says.
Sources tell the Academy wants to be assured Cohen will honor their wishes. “Unless they’re assured that nothing entertaining is going to happen on the red carpet, the Academy is not admitting Sacha Baron Cohen to the show,” the insider told the website.
Cohen was invited to the awards show as a cast member of Hugo, which is nominated for 11 Oscars including best picture. Neither Cohen nor Paramount Pictures, which is behind Hugo and The Dictator, has commented.
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