New York 2/24/2012 6:37:07 AM
News / Business

Brooklyn-based Ajax Union Offers New Webinars for Internet Marketers

Ajax Union an internet marketing company based I Brooklyn is encouraging entrepreneurs and business owners to look at their new webinars.

The company specializes in SEO and marketing and will be offering at least one webinar per week throughout 2012. This can be valuable information to legal internet marketing companies and small businesses alike.

The webinars will cover a broad range of topics including public relations, reputation management, Google AdWords, networking and sales techniques, according to the company’s press release.

Today, legal internet marketing is crucial to any business as consumers turn to the internet to obtain information, which can guide them in their buying decisions. By supplying internet users with information and testimonials from clients a business can significantly increase their customer base.

Legal internet marketing can be a complex process and technology changes quickly, therefore webinars can help marketers stay current on the newest trends. These webinars are available to businesses and marketing professionals.

Search engine optimization and marketing through social media can help a business remain relevant on the web. But small businesses and service providers find that they don’t have the time or skills to increase their page rankings. The proven techniques of a legal internet marketing firm can draw more daily visitors to a page and further increase their clientele. Any company interested in having a visible presence on the web can participate can contact a legal internet marketing firm to see how they can grow their business.