Atlanta 2/25/2012 1:11:17 AM
News / Entertainment

American Idol Top 24 Chosen, Wild Card Twist Revealed

The final ten contestants to make the Top 24 cut on American Idol were chosen on last night’s episode. Now with the top 12 girls and top 12 guys in place, Idol fans can look forward to the first set of lives performances and elimination next week. Also next week, judges Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson will reveal the male contestant chosen to return as a wild card.

The top 12 guys are: DeAndre Brackensick, Adam Brock, Colton Dixon, Creighton Fraker, Eben Franckewitz, Reed Grimm, Heejun Han, Joshua Ledet, Chase Likens, Aaron Marcellus, Phillip Phillips and Jeremy Rosado

The top 12 girls are: Baylie Brown, Hollie Cavanagh, Hallie Day, Jen Hirsh, Brielle Von Hugel, Haley Johnsen, Skylar Laine, Shannon Magrane, Erika Van Pelt, Jessica Sanchez, Chelsea Sorrell and Elise Testone

The guys will perform live Tuesday and the girls will perform live on Wednesday. The first live elimination is set for Thursday.


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